
Looking at all of the solar panel advantages

Shopping for solar panels can be difficult, especially when you know nothing about the industry.


Questions to ask when buying your panels


1. What is the best quality panel, that yields the best technical efficiency, while well priced?

Efficiency is hard to understand in the solar panel industry. There is technical efficiency which measures the amount of light that you are able to successfully turn into energy. However, the bias you may face when reading about technical efficiency is that critics may say efficiency is bad, when in fact solar panel efficiency is still good, there is no way to waste the suns electricity. In fact you could argue that not using solar panels is then at a 0% percent efficiency because all you are doing is wasting solar energy. There is also a more fundamental explanation of efficiency, which is that you are being 100% efficiency in terms of environmental sustainability, ROI (Return On Investement), and ERoEI (Energy Returned on Energy Invested).


2. How many panels will I need for my rooftop, as many as I can fit, or should I base it on the amount of utilities I consume monthly?

It does depend on what you are looking to do. Strictly on-grid you may want just enough to get the right amount of credit on your utility bill. But there is no technical drawl back on having more because with Net-Energy-Metering, there’s a lot of room, to get extra credit. And, if you want to develop a hybrid solution where you adapt to battery storage, then you will always have extra power in the event of an emergency. If you are living off-grid, then you are looking at a more positive experience exceeding your quota, and installing battery storage for protection.


3. Where do I find an installer I can trust, who will not overprice me, while delivering me all of the practical accessories I need, and make sure they are installed correctly?

It is important to find an installer you can trust, who will give you a fair price. And, it is also important to find someone seasoned enough to do a good job, and not leave any loose screws. Certifications are also important, so you do not want to find an installer that goes against the books, and gives you a non-certified job.


If you are seeking guidance on how to asses your requirements, and what options you are looking at… I do have a non-biased recommendation, but I do work here, HahaSmart is an all-in-one solution where you can get the best market prices on solar panels, accessories, and BOS, while finding the local installers in your area, that have certifications, and will guarantee good lasting service. The price-checker will show you prices for everything gross, and net after your 30% tax deductions go through.Compared to shopping on your own and facing the scrutiny of badly priced contractors and panels, find the lowest prices. On average the system will save you 25% off the average market value of home solar.