Anyone can be interested in alternative energy because it is practical these days to everyone, even individual homeowners

When shopping for renewable energies, consumers first question if totally unacquainted to the subject, may be where do I get it? Or, it could be, does my energy supplier already use it?

To answer these questions you first need to look at what is considered renewable, what is considered non-renewable, and what are potential draw backs of either.

Firstly, let me explain what renewable energy even is. The classic definition of renewable energy as defined by scientists, is the energy derived from natural processes that an be replenished, recyclable, or reusable in anyway. The forms of renewable energy typical out there, or most commonly used:

  1. Solar
  2. Wind
  3. Water currents and hydro power (including dams and ocean waves)
  4. Non conventional resources may even include algae, or types of bacteria that contain natural energy

Of course, some people that have sense of denial toward global threats like pollution and heat waves may say that anything is renewable such as wood, gas, nuclear, or oil. But, just because they are able to come back to life does not mean that they do not kill life or cut back gradually. Deforestation, cannot be accounted from re-growing substituted trees in nascence and waiting thousands of years for them to turn into ancient trees and then cut them down again, well firstly isn’t possible, the ratio would require far too many trees within a lifecycle, that isn’t physically possible to catch up to. And, secondly it is such a huge cut back on oxygen growth that it is highly destructive to oxygen breathing life forms.

Dams, although they actually are renewable, still have deficiencies, and when 55% of salmon are unable to flow down stream ,and die, this cuts back on the food chain.

Then there is solar and wind farms, and yes these are clearly a great source of renewable energy, with little impact to fossil fuels (outside of building them from steal and considering their average 30 year lifecycle). But, there is no way to personally own a farm. Wind power, may be generatable in the home, but unless you are really smart at building one, you’ll find yourself only getting them their energy from farms, and still stuck paying your electricity provider for it. The good news about solar is that it is there to put on your rooftop, you can live off grid, and get money back on grid by net-metering.

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